In the Philippines, Tax compliance is one of the most tedious things to handle as a business. The better way of doing tax compliance is through automation.
While a lot of young developers are on their way to create such products, JuanTax has been leading the Tax Technology industry in the Philippines since 2017.
Automating your tax process gives you 4 benefits: Accuracy, Efficiency, Accessibility, and Security

In the Philippines, Tax compliance is one of the most tedious things to handle as a business. Our current tax process is complicated enough to make an accountant go crazy. What more for an ordinary business owner? The root of the problem stems from doing taxes manually which wastes valuable time and money. From a single sales or purchase receipt, you’ll have to record this transaction in more than 7 different tax forms. The better way of doing tax compliance is through automation.
Automating your tax process helps you in a lot of ways. It will save you time and effort by letting a coded program do the manual recording for you. It will also save you costs because of the operational expense it will save you by having one program handle a work of more than ten people. Best of all is that financial data is much more organized, accessible, and secure through encryption. There are a lot of accounting softwares that can help accountants experience these. But only a few can handle tax automation in the Philippines.
While a lot of young developers are on their way to create such products, JuanTax, the Philippine’s first BIR Accredited Tax Platform, has been innovating and leading the Tax Technology industry in the Philippines since 2017. We’ve listed 4 main benefits in automating your Tax Process using JuanTax.
4 Benefits of Automating your Tax Process
In the manual tax process, repetitive and tiresome work can’t be avoided. It takes time to make all the information precise. However, with automation, every data is reliable and accurate in calculating your taxes and recording data to your tax returns. In JuanTax, One single data entry is all it takes to have your financial data reflected all the way to your Financial Reports.Efficient
Traditional tax processes take too much time and resources. There have been a lot of innovative ways in simplifying some processes through the use of excel but it still takes too much effort for accountants and business owners to go through every spreadsheet in a single excel file. Although traditional methods have improved through time, tax automation through JuanTax beats manual method by ten-fold when it comes to efficiency. Imagine just recording a transaction once, don’t you wish everything is auto populated in an instant? JuanTax simply does that.Accessible
Every data on your account, transaction, and receipt you created are organized and easy to access with JuanTax. Any transaction entered in your account is backed-up in the cloud and accessible with other devices. Automation made it easy and organized when you’re searching for data on your Tax Forms, Books and Financial Reports.Secure
Automation guarantees the protection of your data through encryption. Data encryption is a method of protecting your financial data you enter through JuanTax. Additionally encryption is a process that scrambles readable text and helps provide data security for sensitive financial information.
Through JuanTax, your practice becomes more accurate, efficient, accessible and secure. JuanTax pivots your traditional method of manually recording and maintaining financial accounts to advisory work. Get your tax done right with automation as it creates the opportunity for you to do more and give more to your clients.