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Creating Your 2550Q Report

Steps on how to generate quarterly VAT reports in JuanTax.

Maui Banag avatar
Written by Maui Banag
Updated over a week ago

STEP 1: On the sidebar menu, select Tax Form, choose Value Added Tax Return, then click the plus (+) icon.

STEP 2: Select the Month and Year of the report, then click the Generate button.

This will take you to the SLSP tab, where you can begin adding transactions manually or by importing a CSV file.

Adding Transaction(s) Manually

STEP 1: In the SLSP Data tab, click the Plus icon to start adding sales transactions.

Importing Transactions through CSV

Bulk import your transactions by preparing a CSV file containing your transaction information.

STEP 1: On the sidebar menu, click Transactions, then Add Transaction. Select Import CSV from the menu, then choose the type of transaction you want to import.

STEP 2: Click Download to obtain the files needed.

There are two files available:

1.  CSV file 

  • This is the actual CSV file containing fields such as Date, Tax Type, Category, Amount, Customer TIN, Customer Name, First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Description, Reference No., ATC, Address Line, City, and Zip Code.

2.  ATC Codes 

  • As for the ATC field in the first CSV file, you can choose within the ATC codes present in this CSV spreadsheet.

STEP 3: Once you have completed the CSV file, you may now proceed with importing it into your 2550Q report. You need to go back to the Import Transaction(s) modal and click the Browse button.

STEP 4: Locate your CSV file and click Open, then Next.

STEP 5: Map the fields of your CSV file with the appropriate transaction fields.

STEP 6: Before proceeding, make sure to review the mapped transactions, and when finished, click DONE.

That's it! By clicking on the Report tab, you can also see a preview of the actual report.

Filing the Report

  • Check out this article for a step-by-step guide on filing taxes with Plus.

Paying the Return

  • Follow the instructions in this article to pay your filed tax return in JuanTax.

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