The implementation of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law paved the way to a lot of changes in the economy. In providing better services to taxpayers and businesses, The Bureau of Internal Revenue embraced the change through constant improvement of its systems for better tax compliance.

July 24, Wednesday, the BIR made public RMCs 73-74 Series of 2019 wherein forms provided below were improved.
1604C: Compensation and Final Withholding
1604E: Annual Information Return of Creditable Income Taxes Withheld (Expanded)/Income Payments Exempt from Withholding Tax
1604F: Annual Information Return of Income Payments Subjected to Final Withholding Taxes
2306: Certificate of Final Tax Withheld
2307: Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld
Here’s a deeper look to the changes of the listed forms.