So, you've upgraded your organization from Standard to Plus... What now?
Get to know these awesome add-ons to your Plus organizations and how to use them.
Plus features and add-ons:
Voucher Sequences
Plus Transactions
Books of Accounts
Financial Reports
Once you've successfully subscribed your organization to Plus, you will be asked to enter voucher sequences for your Accounts Payable, Checks, and General Journal Vouchers.

Note: If you already have vouchers that you're using internally, start your sequence with the most recent voucher sequence you have on hand. Our system will automatically use vouchers whenever you input purchase transactions.
What if I input the wrong voucher sequence? What do I do?
* You can edit your Voucher Sequence in the Voucher Settings.

Plus organizations will see several add-ons in the Transactions Tab. Here are the changes.

1. View Journal Entries
2. Record/Add Journal Entries
(Inside the creation of transactions)

3. Add a Payment to the Transaction
4. Edit the transaction
5. Mark your books of accounts as published.

6. Add Payment Date to Transaction
7. Add the Reference Number of the Payment
8. Select the bank account where the payment was made
9. Add Partial Payment to Transaction
When adding partial payments...

10. Add Partial Payment
11. Input Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT) or Final Withholding Tax (FWT) Payments
12. "Apply All" adds full payment to the transaction
Each time you add a sales or purchase transaction, your six basic books of accounts will update to reflect that.
General Ledger: The summary of all transactions entered in Plus, whether payment paid or not.
Sales Book Journal: This houses all the sales transactions entered in the Transactions Tab.
Purchase Book Journal: Contains all Purchase Transactions.
Cash Receipt Book: This contains all the invoices that are marked as "Paid"
Cash Disbursement Book: Contains all the bills that are marked as "Paid"
General Journal: Houses all Journal Entries

1. View your Books of Accounts
2. View Draft Reports
3. View "Posted" reports
4. Mark Draft Reports as "Posted" to be reflected in Books of Accounts
5. Export Reports as .txt, .csv, and .xlx files
With Plus, you will be able to access 3 financial reports or statements:

Trial Balance - This report contains the list of all your general ledger accounts at your chosen date. You can view your debit and credit balances here.
Income Statement - This report shows the company's revenues and expenses for the financial year.
Balance Sheet - This report shows the summary of the financial balances of the organization through your assets, liabilities, and equity.

One that we’re continuously improving is our set of reports, which will help you:
📌 Analyze expenses concerning revenue
📌 Measure and identify financial trends
📌 Reclassify entries
📌 Evaluate expanded withholding taxes
📌 Assess inconsistencies in sales reported in VAT to receive 2306 or 2307
Watch this video to learn more: 🚀 JuanTax Reports Features
Important Information:
If you have BIR Vouchers on hand, enter the most recent sequence into the Voucher Sequence of the organization.
Every purchase and journal transaction you input into Plus will automatically use vouchers.
"Draft" reports are transactions that are not yet reflected in your Books of Accounts.
"Posted" reports are transactions that are reflected in your Books of Accounts.
"Posted" reports can be edited. View the process here.
What's Next?
Get to know the full details of entering Transactions of a Plus Organization here.
Adding Full and Partial Payments to Sales and Purchase Transactions.
Entering Journal Entries.
Talk to us!
Feel free to reach out to us by accessing any of the JuanTax pages and clicking the chat icon. Our support team is available on weekdays from 9 AM to 6 PM to address any of your queries. 💬