Start Generating Income Tax Reports
Follow these steps in adding your 1702-RT (Annual Income Tax Return for Corporation, Partnership and Other Non-Individual Taxpayer Subject Only to Regular Income Tax Rate) report in JuanTax.
I. During Setup (Important)
II. Generating 1702-RT Reports
III. Exploring Input Summary
a. Background Information
a.i Alphanumeric Tax Code
a.ii Date of Incorporation/Organization
a.iii Email Address
a.iv. PSIC
a.v Method of Deduction
b. Community Tax Certificate (CTC) Number/SEC Reg. No
b.i. Community Tax Certificate (CTC) Number/SEC Reg. No
b. ii. Date of Issue
b. iii. Place of Issue
c. Total Income Tax Due
c. i. Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees
c.i.a. Managing fields for Each Section
c.ii. Cost of Sales/Services
c.iii. Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax
d. Total Tax Credits/Payments
e. Total Penalties
f. Signatory Information
g. External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent
h. Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income
i. Balance Sheet
i.i Assets
i.ii. Liabilities
i.iii. Equity
j. Stockholders/Partners/Member Information
k. Supplemental Information
k.i. Gross Income
k.i.a Interests
k.i.b. Royalties
k.i.c. Dividends
k.i.d. Prizes and Winnings
k.i.e. Add More
k.ii. Sale/Exchange of Real Properties
k.iii. Sale/Exchange of Shares of Stock
k.iv. Other Income
l. Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax
l.i. Return of Premium
l.ii. Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, Bequests, and Devises
l.iii. Other Exempt Income/Receipts
IV. Preview of the Report
V. Notes and Activity
VI. Filing the Report
VII. Paying 1702-RT Returns
I. During Setup (Important)
You need to make sure that you had classified your organization as Non-Individual during the setup. Also, you need to choose 1702-RT - Regular Tax Rate radio button so that the report can become available in your account.

II. Generating 1702-RT Reports
Start generating annual income tax returns by going to your dashboard then proceed to Income Tax Return. Choose the 1702-RT tab then click the Generate Report (plus icon) to continue.
Note: 2018 version of form 1702-RT is only available manually as of the moment. If you will be filing electronically, JuanTax will show you the old version which is still acceptable as per RMC 19-2019. If you opt to file it manually, you will see the new version which you can print and file to your respective RDO.

Look for the year that you need to generate a report with. After that, click the Generate button to continue.

A pop-up message will appear, confirming that you had successfully generated the report.

III. Exploring Input Summary
After generating your report, you’ll be prompted to the Input Summary window where you need to enter information for your 1702-RT return. The Input Summary page contains all the exact information which is included in an actual 1702-RT form, which is why you need to go through all of the sections to successfully file your return.
Note: You need to fill out the Background Information section as well as the Community Tax Certificate (CTC) Number in order for you to proceed with other sections of the form.
a. Background Information

Once you’re already in the Background Information section , you’ll encounter tabs such as Alphanumeric Tax Code, Date of Incorporation/Organization, Email Address, PSIC and Method of Deduction.
a.i Alphanumeric Tax Code
Choose the appropriate alphanumeric tax code (ATC) by marking its checkbox. Your ATC should be the same as the information shown in your Certificate of Registration or BIR Form No. 2303).

a.ii Date of Incorporation/Organization
You also need to include the date of when your organization is established, and should also be similar with the date entered in your BIR Form 2303.

Confirm your action by clicking Save button.

a.iii Email Address
You also need to enter your email address to complete your report. Once you had included the email address, click the Save button.

a.iv. PSIC
You also need to enter your 4-digit PSIC (or Philippine Standard Industrial Classification). To know more about PSIC, you can visit your local BIR office or visit their website. After that, you need to click Save button to continue.

a.v. Method of Deduction
In the Method of Deduction tab, you have to choose between 2 radio buttons: (1) Itemized Deduction or (2) 40% Optional Standard Deduction.

Once you have chosen your method of deduction, click the Save button to continue.

A message will appear, confirming that the method of deduction in your report has been successfully updated.

Note: To go back to the Input Summary page, just click the Back to Input Summary button.

b. Community Tax Certificate (CTC) Number/SEC Reg. No
Tabs included in this section are Community Tax Certificate (CTC) Number/SEC Reg. No., Date of Issue and Place of Issue.
b.i. Community Tax Certificate (CTC) Number/SEC Reg. No
You also need to indicate if data present in your form is in accordance with either your CTC Number or Sec Reg. No. by choosing between the 2 radio buttons.
Once you select SEC Reg. No. the amount field located in Part II - Total Tax Payable will become disabled.

Click Save button to update your information.
b. ii. Date of Issue
You need to enter the date of when you issued your CTC or SEC Reg. No.

b. iii. Place of Issue
You also need to include the location of where you issued your CTC/SEC No. Click Save button to continue.

Once you had finished entering data under Background Information and CTC/SEC No. you may now proceed with other sections of the form.
c. Total Income Tax Due
The Total Income Tax Due is divided into three sections: (1) Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees, (2) Cost of Sales/Services and (3) Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax, each with subsection that you need to fill out.
c. i. Net Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees
You need to enter the necessary information in order to successfully compute your net sales/revenues/receipt fees. Sections included are (1) Sales of Goods/Properties, (2) Sales of Services, (3) Lease of Properties and (4) Sale Returns, Allowances and Discounts.

c.i.a. Managing fields for Each Section
You would be able to manage your net sales just like other sections in JuanTax where you can add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions. You should fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

c.ii. Cost of Sales/Services
You need to enter the necessary information in order to successfully compute your cost of sales/services. Sections included are the ones listed below:
Merchandise Inventory - Beginning
Purchase of Merchandise
Merchandise Inventory, Ending
Direct Materials, Beginning
Purchases of Direct Materials
Direct Materials, Ending
Direct Labor
Manufacturing Overhead
Work in Process, Beginning
Work in Process, Ending
Finished Goods, Beginning
Finished Goods, Ending
Direct Charges - Salaries, Wages and Benefits
Direct Charges - Materials, Supplies and Facilities
Direct Charges - Depreciation
Direct Charges - Rental
Direct Charges - Outside Services
Direct Charges - Others
Be able to add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions. You should fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

c.iii. Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax
You need to enter the necessary information in order to successfully compute Other Taxable Income Not Subjected to Final Tax. Be able to add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions. You should fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

d. Total Tax Credits/Payments
Your total tax credits/payments is part of the Total Tax Payable section, where it contains sections such as the following:
Prior Year's Excess Credits Other Than MCIT
Income Tax Payment under MCIT from Previous Quarter/s
Income Tax Payment under Regular/Normal Rate from Previous Quarter/s
Creditable Tax Withheld from Previous Quarter/s per BIR Form No. 2307
Creditable Tax Withheld per BIR Form No. 2307 for the 4th Quarter
Foreign Tax Credits, if applicable
Tax Paid in Return Previously Filed, if this is an Amended Return
Special Tax Credits
Other Credits/Payments
Be able to add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions. You should fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

Note: For Income Tax Payment under MCIT from Previous Quarter/s, options like add, edit, delete and search would only appear if the ATC applies MCIT.
e. Total Penalties
You have the option to manually or automatically compute penalties in your 1702-RT form.
To manually compute your penalties, you need to enter data for fields such as Surcharge, Interest and Compromise. Click the Compute Penalty to get the total penalties for your report and click Save Changes button to update your form, with penalties included.

f. Signatory Information
To complete your 1702-RT return, you need to populate fields such as (1) President/Principal Officer/Authorized Representative, (2) Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer and (3) Title of Signatory before you hit the Save Changes button.

g. External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent
In this section, you also need to populate fields such as (1) Name of External Auditor/Accredited Tax Agent, (2) Name of Signing Partner (If External Auditor is a Partnership), (3) Tax Identification Number, (4) Tax Identification Number, (5) BIR Accreditation No., (6) Issue Date and (7) Expiry Date before clicking the Save Changes button.

h. Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income
All other reconciliations of net income per books against taxable income should also be included in your 1702-RT return. It includes sections such as (1) Net Income/(Loss) per books, (2) Non-deductible Expenses/Taxable Other Income, (3) Non-taxable Income and Income Subjected to Final Tax and (4) Special Deductions.
You can also add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions. You should fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

i. Balance Sheet
Your balance sheet is located in Schedule 10 of your form. This section represents the amounts as shown in the Audited Financial Statements, and is divided into 3 sections namely (1) Assets, (2) Liabilities and (3) Equity, each with its own sub-sections that you need to fill out.
i.i Assets
Any tangible/intangible resources owned by the company should also be recorded in your 1702-RT form. In this section, you need to fill out fields such as Current Assets, Long-term Investment, Property, Plant and Equipment - Net, Long-term Receivables, Intangible Assets and Other Assets.
You can add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions for each section. You should fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

i.ii. Liabilities
Liabilities reflected in your balance sheet are those obligations that needs to be paid by the company. You need to populate fields for sections such as Current Liabilities, Long-term Liabilities, Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities.
You can add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions for each section. You should fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

i.iii. Equity
Referred to as your company’s value of shares, the equity presented in your balance sheet is the total of your asset’s value minus liabilities, as depicted in the basic equation of accounting (Assets-Liabilities = Equity).
You need to populate fields for sections such as Capital Stock, Additional Paid-In Capital and Retained Earnings. Also, be able add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions for each section. You should fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

j. Stockholders/Partners/Member Information
You also need to indicate your top 20 list of stockholders, partners or members, along with their respective information such as Business Name, TIN, Amount of Contribution Capital and Ownership Percentage.
In this section, you first need to choose between three checkboxes: (1) Stockholders, (2) Partners and (3) Members. Once you had marked any of the following checkboxes, you need to click the Save button. After that, other options such as add, edit, delete and search options will become available.
You need to populate information fields such as Registered Name, TIN, Capital Contribution, and % to Total.

Note: In order to file your 1702-RT report, you need to include at least 2 stockholders or members.
k. Supplemental Information
Located in Schedule 12 of your 1702-RT form, this section includes additional information on things such as Gross income subject to final tax: sale/ exchange of real property, Sale/exchange of shares of stocks; Corresponding final withholding tax as well as Other income available. Each section in this part of your form is also divided into sub-sections which you also need to fill out.
k.i. Gross Income
For your gross income , you need to fill out sections such as Interests, Royalties, Dividends, Prizes and Winnings and Other Additional Income.
k.i.a. Interests
Any percentage of ownership that a stockholder owns in a business needs to be recorded in your annual income tax return.
To include this information, you need to fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount in tabs such as (1) Exempt, (2) Actual Amount and (3) Final Tax Withheld.

k.i.b. Royalties
These are payments made by an organization to another individual/business who legally owns the copyright of the actual asset.
To include this information, you need to fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount in tabs such as (1) Exempt, (2) Actual Amount and (3) Final Tax Withheld.

k.i.c. Dividends
Your dividends serves as the actual contribution of earnings issued by means of payment, properties or shares of stock.
To include this information, you need to fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount in tabs such as (1) Exempt, (2) Actual Amount and (3) Final Tax Withheld.

k.i.d. Prizes and Winnings
Any other forms of winnings earned within the organization should also be reported in the 1702-RT form.
To include this information, you need to fill out fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount in tabs such as (1) Exempt, (2) Actual Amount and (3) Final Tax Withheld.

k.i.e. Add More
Additional income that your organization receives shall also be included in your 1702-RT form.
Include those transactions by filling out fields such as Category, Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount in tabs such as (1) Exempt, (2) Actual Amount and (3) Final Tax Withheld.

k.ii. Sale/Exchange of Real Properties
To record transactions recorded in this section of the form, you need to populate fields such as Description of Property, OCT/TCT/CCT Tax Declaration Number, Certificate Authorizing Registration No., Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains and Final Tax Withheld/Paid. You have the option to add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions.

k.iii. Sale/Exchange of Shares of Stock
These refer to transactions which involves sales of stock shares between your business and another organization. You need to populate fields such as Kind (You also need to classify if it’s a Preferred (PS) or Common (CS) stock), Stock Certificate Series No., Certificate Authorizing Registration Number, Number of Shares, Date of Issue, Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains and Final Tax Withheld/Paid. You also have the option to add, edit, delete, search and navigate through your list of transactions.

k.iv. Other Income
To include other transactions which involves income, you need to populate fields such as Other income subject to final tax, Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains and Final Tax Withheld/Paid.

l. Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax
This includes any personal/real properties that your organization had received in form of gifts and other devises applicable; This section is divided into: (1) Return of Premium, (2) Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, Bequests, and Devises, and (3) Other Exempt Income/Receipts.
l.i. Return of Premium
Any policies in which premiums that were returned should also be included in your 1702-RT form. Populate fields such as Date, Reference Number, Description and Amount.

l.ii. Personal/Real Properties Received thru Gifts, Bequests, and Devises
Transactions involving properties that were received by a business in form of gifts, bequests and devises shall be recorded in your 1702-RT form. You also need to populate fields such as Description of Property, Mode of Transfer, Certificate Authorizing Registration Number and Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/Net Capital Gains.

l.iii. Other Exempt Income/Receipts
You also need to include other specific transactions such as exempt income and receipts. Please populate fields such as Other Exempt Income/Receipts as well as Actual Amount/Net Capital Gains.

IV. Preview of the Report
You can also access a preview of the actual report by clicking on the Report tab next to Input Summary.

V. Notes and Activity
To see the audit trail of activities made within the report, all you need to do is to click the Notes & Activity tab.

VI. Filing the Report
Simply file your report by following the guidelines mentioned in this article through our Help site.
VII. Paying 1702-RT Returns
Follow the steps in this article for you be to able to pay your filed tax return in JuanTax.