STEP 1: On the Menu Bar, click Settings.
STEP 2: Select PDF Report Settings then click the Add Signature button.
STEP 3: A modal will show you a portion where you can write your signature. Enter the rest of the information in the required fields such as First Name, Last Name, Position, and TIN.
Other buttons present in the modal:
Clear - If you think that you need to change the way you did your signature, you can just click this button and rewrite your signature
Upload - If you have a saved an image of your signature, you can upload it by clicking this button. For the best results, use a PNG image with a 500px by 150px size.
STEP 4: In the Type field is a pull-down menu, select through the list of reports where you want your signature to appear then click the Save button.
That's it! Your e-signature is now saved in your JuanTax account for future attachment purposes.
You can also have multiple signatures set up in your account.