Please take note that before you are allowed to generate a 1604E in JuanTax, your 1601EQ must first be filed and paid.
2. There are 5 available tabs inside the 1604E report:
a. Summary - consists of the report’s details.
Computation of Tax - this shows the lists for the whole quarter.
b. Remittance - payment details
b.1. Schedule 1 - this shows the payment details automatically pulled from your 1601EQ. For this reason, it's crucial to make sure your quarterlies are filed and paid.
b.2. Schedule 2- this shows the payment details of your manually added 1606 payment details.
3. Sources - this will show all of your transaction details.
3.a. Schedule 3 - all your 0619E and 1601EQ transactions will be reflected here.
3.b. Schedule 4 - this is where you can manually add payees whose income is exempt from withholding tax.
Steps in adding payee(s):
A. Click on the (+) add/plus icon.
B. Search for the payee's name.
C. Input the payee details.
D. Table listing
4. PDF
5. Notes and Activity