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February 19, 2021

Multi-Coded Contacts Report and Bulk Export Button of BIR Form 2316 is now available in JuanTax!

Maui Banag avatar
Written by Maui Banag
Updated over a week ago

Multi-Coded Contacts Report - this a summary of vendors/customers in your organization. The purpose of this report is to identify whether the Account code, ATC (sales & purchase) and tax code used for your vendor/customer is correct and modify them from here if they’re not.

Bulk Export Button of BIR Form 2316 - you can now bulk export your employees’ BIR Form 2316 in JuanTax. This is highly applicable to employers who need to export a large number of Form 2316 to distribute to their employees. PLUS users can download an unlimited number of Form 2316 at no extra cost while STANDARD users can pay 2PHP per download of Form 2316.

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