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Automated Journal Entries

Plus allow journal entries to be created and posted automatically based on data and rules - eliminating considerable amount of manual work.

Maui Banag avatar
Written by Maui Banag
Updated over a week ago

Section 1: Creditable Certificates

Section 2: Transfer of Deferred Tax to Regular Tax for Service transactions

Deferred Output Tax - Sales Services

Deferred Input Tax - Purchase Services

Section 3: Compensation

Section 4: Tax Returns (Manual Journal)

Section 4.1: Tax Returns (Purchase Transaction)

Section 1: Creditable Certificates

After adding your Creditable Certificate on Tax Forms > Creditable Certificate, the system will generate a Manual Journal Entry debiting the Prepaid Tax Account and crediting your Accounts Receivable Account.

Added 2307 Creditable Certificate

Automated Manual Journal

Transfer Balance

Section 2: Transfer of Deferred Tax to Regular Tax for Service transactions

In every SERVICE transaction you’ve added on your transactions module whether sales or purchases, the system automatically generates a manual journal upon PAYMENT transferring the balance of deferred Output Tax(Sales) / Input Tax(Purchases to Regular Input/Output Tax.

Sales Transaction with Payment

Automated Manual Journal


Section 3: Upon FILING of the 1601C Withholding Tax on Compensation in JuanTax, the system automatically generates a manual journal and you may find it on your transactions module’s Incomplete tab.

Enter the missing Chart of Accounts to complete the journal entry.

Transactions Module Incomplete Tab

Automated Manual Journal (Incomplete)

Section 4: Tax Returns (Manual Journal)

The following Tax Return generates automated Journal Entry Upon Filing:

  • 2550Q

  • 1701

  • 1701A

  • 1702RT

The system auto-generates a manual journal entry upon filing and payment of the following Tax Returns. This journal goes to the INCOMPLETE tab of the transactions module for you to fill in the missing accounts.

  • 2550Q

  • 1701

  • 1701A

  • 1702RT

Tax Returns

Section 4.1: Tax Returns (Purchase Transaction)

The following Tax Returns generates Purchase Transactions:

  • 1601C

  • 1701

  • 1701A

  • 1701Q

  • 1702Q

  • 1702RT

  • 2550M

  • 2550Q

These Purchase Transactions will be generated upon filing and payment of the Tax Returns with Tax Payables.
It will be generated to the Incomplete tab of the Transaction module.

To complete the Purchase transactions, you need to open it and click Purchase Options, changing any information is optional. Click Save after editing and it will be transferred to the Purchases tab of your Transactions Module.

Sample Automated Purchase Transactions

  • 1601C

  • 1701

  • 1701A

  • 1701Q

  • 1702Q

  • 1702RT

  • 2550M

  • 2550Q

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