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2316 Preview

The mid-year generation of 2316 will show consolidated amounts from the previous period (month) to the current period.

Maui Banag avatar
Written by Maui Banag
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: This feature can only be accessed in the Plus Plan.

To access 2316 in JuanTax, click on the sidebar menu and choose Tax Forms, click on Compensation and go to the 2316 Preview tab.

View the employee’s 2316 data by clicking the dropdown menu and selecting the name of the employee.

Understand How it Works

After entering all compensation details or your payroll register data into each 1601C, you are now ready to access the 2316 preview of your employees. The 2316 preview tab would provide information on what your employee 2316 looks like during that period.

All available data that can be seen here is from the employee module and 1601C, thus making most of the fields disabled. This will only be updated when the user updates/edit the employee module or 1601C.

Enabled fields

Line 22 - The data in this field is automatically picked up from form 1604C. Therefore, this field will only be enabled for data input if the system detects that the employee has a previous employee based on their employee module. Otherwise, this field will be disabled.

Line 25 (A and B) - Users are allowed to enter data in this field since the information can’t be automatically pulled from their 1601C.

Line 28 to 31 - The Holiday Pay amount from your 1601C will automatically populate Line 28. This is editable and you can distribute the amount to its necessary lines from 28-31. However, the amount should be EXACT and cannot be greater or less than what is indicated in the 1601C.


2316 is downloadable as a PDF file which can be found on the Export Hub. Users can download either of these two:

  • Current Employee - The user can only export 2316 for all the employees that are listed in this view.

  • All Employees - The user can download 2316 for all employees (past and current) as long they have 2316 data.

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