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Xero and JuanTax Plus Transactions
Maui Banag avatar
Written by Maui Banag
Updated over a week ago

There are 3 ways to migrate transactions in JuanTax Plus:

  1. Capturing physical copies of receipts through the JuanTax mobile app

  2. Directly add transactions to JuanTax

  3. Upgrade them through spreadsheets

Understand what each platform prioritizes before migrating transactions by exporting reports from Xero to JuanTax Plus.

*Sample Xero purchase transaction

*Sample JuanTax Plus purchase transaction


Vendor details in Xero will not show TIN as it is currently not Xero’s priority in bookkeeping and financial reports. As a workaround, You can add the TIN in the Contact Account Number field as this would show on transactions and other Xero reports.

TINs and addresses are important for tax purposes in JuanTax Plus. It will appear on transactions as well as JuanTax Plus reports. As seen in Screenshot 1, the address is editable, however, addresses do not appear on Xero reports.


In Xero, you can enter amounts in either tax exclusive or inclusive.

The amount required in JuanTax are the gross amounts, and the platform will calculate VAT and Expanded Withholding Taxes based on that amount.


Computation on both platforms is almost identical except for Expanded Withholding Tax. Full and partial payments can are applied to both platforms.

In JuanTax Plus, the payment date of service transactions will be important. According to BIR guidelines, taxes on service transactions should only be reported/remitted if the transaction is paid (Cash Basis). JuanTax Plus will determine which VAT form to add to a specific transaction based on the payment date.


(Comparing both screenshots above)

  • In JuanTax, the rent bill is shown in just one line. The amount of withholding tax is based on the ATC or withholding code entered on this particular line.

  • In Xero, two separate lines are needed to show the details of a single rent bill transaction and the Withholding tax applied to it.

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