November 24, 2020

We're adding two more reports to help with your tax compliance plus the ability for the client to review, file & pay for their own return

EWT Analysis - This comparative report is highly beneficial for large taxpayers or taxpayers classified as TAMP. Generating this report can help in terms of cross-checking relevant information in your tax return such as whether you did not miss to withhold a vat return and/or if the amount you input is correct.

Unreported Sales - This report compares your sales reported in VAT or Percentage Tax with sales reported by your customers through 2306 or 2307. This will help you identify inconsistencies in both reports. By being able to track unreported sales, you avoid penalties, anomalies, and undesired audits.

Send to Client (Firm-Level) - Clients can now file and pay for their own return. This approval process helps users to send an error-free tax return to the BIR at one time and helps implement an accurate communication of official documents.

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