Note: Transferring organization ownership is only available to those with Business Plans.
Only the current account subscriber can transfer the organization to another user. The new account subscriber will be responsible for the monthly subscription payments once they've accepted the invitation.
To transfer the organization to a new administrator, follow these steps:
Click on the organization name then select Transfer Ownership.

2. Enter the name of the new subscriber and their email address, then click Request Transfer.
NOTE: The transfer is only completed when the new subscriber accepts the invite. The current subscriber will receive a confirmation email when the new subscriber accepts or rejects the transfer.

New subscriber:
If the new subscriber is a firm owner in JuanTax, the transferred organization will be moved directly inside the firm.
The new subscriber should have their Billing Information set up to complete the transfer.
Only one email should be used per firm. Otherwise, the error below will appear and the transfer will not push through.

Helpful Links:
Accept an Invite to take over a JuanTax Ownership (Subscription)