NOTE: You should be enrolled in the PLUS plan to be able to generate the Transactions Report.
Once enrolled, you can follow these steps in terms of running the actual report:
In the sidebar menu click Plus.
Under Plus Menu, click Other Reports.
Select Transactions Report.
You can also reclassify transactions in your Chart of Accounts in the Transactions Report.
From the Transactions Report screen, follow the steps below to reclassify your transactions:
STEP 1: On the upper left side of the page, set the type of Account that you wish to reclassify, along with your accounting basis then click Filter.

STEP 2: From the View list box, select the transactions in which you want to change the account by checking the tick box on the left side and click Reclass. You can also check the transactions in bulk to make the selection faster.

STEP 3: From the account list, specify the correct account replacement. Read and tick the check box and proceed by clicking the Reclass button.

A pop-up window will appear showing that the re-classification is in progress.

You will then get a confirmation that your transaction has successfully been reclassified.

Important Information:
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