Adding sales transactions manually
STEP 1: To start adding transactions in JuanTax, click on the sidebar menu and select Transactions.

STEP 2: On the screen, click on the Sales tab. On the upper right part, click the + Add Transaction button then select Add Manual.
STEP 3: When adding Sales transactions manually, you can use the Default TIN provided by the system or search the name of the customers by typing the name. Add the Date and enter the Invoice Number and Reference (optional).

STEP 4: Enter details of your transaction into the Description field to understand the transaction better. Select the Tax Type, Tax Code, and Account by clicking the drop-down arrows to choose the appropriate rate or code. Note that taxes are automatically computed based on the Tax Type chosen.
Choosing the correct Tax Type would affect the population of your VAT return and is only available if the organization is set as a VAT registered entity.
The ATC column is the organization’s Tax Code based on its industry. You may have seen or used this code during your previous VAT or Percentage Tax filing.
For COA, JuanTax created a set of COA that is patterned to ITR sections which can be selected in this column. You can add more Chart Of Accounts in the organization setting. Lastly, enter the receipt’s gross amount.

After saving the transaction(s), users can tag the transaction as Mark as Paid and/or Edit if necessary (for PLUS organizations only).

Other buttons you can check:
Notes and Activities - On the upper right part of your transaction, you can see the history of the changes made to each transaction and any notes left for checking purposes.
Upload Image - You can upload the image of the document representing your transaction to store them as a reference. Per BIR Revenue Regulations RR 5-2014, you are required to preserve hard copies of your books of accounts and other documents for the first five years, and thereafter, retain electronic copies. Added files will only be visible to users with access to your company.
Save - You can choose to Save & Close to save the transaction and close the current screen or hit Save and Next to save the current transaction and start adding a new one
Importing Sales Transactions in Bulk
All you need to do is paste your accounting data in a CSV template provided in the transaction module and import the CSV using the import wizard to get all your accounting entries in JuanTax faster.
STEP 1: On the screen, click on the Sales tab. On the upper right part, click the + Add Transaction button then select Import CSV.
STEP 2: Once you're done completing the CSV file, you may proceed with importing your transactions by clicking the Browse button.

There are three files available:
a. CSV file - Fill this out with your transaction information. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk in the import file such as DATE, INVOICE NO., CATEGORY, TAX TYPE, ATC, and GROSS AMOUNT
b. Chart of Accounts - this sheet contains all the possible reference codes that are needed within the COA Code field of your CSV template
c. ATC - The ATC column is the organization’s Tax Code based on its industry. You may have seen or used this code during your previous VAT or Percentage Tax filing
STEP 3: Locate your CSV file and click Open.

STEP 4: Click the Next button.

STEP 5: Map the fields of your CSV file with the appropriate transaction fields.

STEP 6: Make sure to review the mapped transactions before continuing, and once finished, click Done.

That's it! Your journal transactions are now successfully imported into JuanTax.

These uploaded transactions will now appear on your Transactions module under the Sales tab.

Helpful Links:
Sales Transaction (fields & descriptions)