Delayed Return Confirmation
We understand that AABs require a tax receipt confirmation from the BIR when paying tax dues. However, there are some instances wherein these confirmations are 1-2 days delayed or sometimes received past the deadline. Here’s how it’s done in Plus:
When you electronically file a return in Plus, the system performs a quick validation and then sends it to the eBIR system. Once submitted, it will automatically attach a printable copy of the form to your Plus Confirmations which you can download and print for payment.
For DAT file attachments (SLSP, QAP & SAWT) submitted through Plus, you will also receive an auto-generated reply from BIR in your inbox as proof that the attachments were submitted to
JuanTax also sends out email follow-ups to the BIR every 12 a.m. for all returns filed per day with an awaiting receipt confirmation. This ensures that the BIR received all submissions and made them aware of the pending confirmations due to the BIR’s possible technical issues.
NOTE: JuanTax doesn’t have any control over how fast BIR sends out tax receipt confirmations. Rest assured that once it’s received, you will be notified, and the tax receipt will be attached to your inbox.
Deleting Tax Reports
Deleting reports would lead to the permanent removal of your report from the list.
STEP 1: Go through the list of reports and mark the checkbox(es) of the report(s) you want to delete.

STEP 2: After selecting, click the Trash icon.

STEP 3: A modal will appear confirming the deletion of the report. To proceed, click the "Yes, Remove this Please!" button.

NOTE: "Filed” tax reports cannot be deleted unless you amend your report.
Downloading PDF's of Tax Return
The Reports section of your tax return shows a preview of your generated report on an actual BIR tax form.
To download or print a copy of the form, hover and click on the download or print icon found in the top-right of the preview window.

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