My company uses eFPS. Can I use JuanTax?
Billing FAQs for PLUS Users
A Closer Look at Tax Penalties
Pulling Data from Remittance Forms to Withholding Tax Reports
Coding Mandated Benefits in JuanTax
Does Exceeding VAT Thresholds Opt for 8% Tax Rate?
Online Sellers and Freelancers are now Required to Register their Digital Business
Keeping the Hard Copy of Receipts
Can You Manage Partial Payments Using JuanTax?
Classification of Tax Groups (According to Industry)
Transition from Percentage Tax to VAT (and vice-versa)
Receive Money Transactions in JuanTax
How do I delete an organization?
Tax Return Entry Data Flow
How can I track the work that I've done in JuanTax?
Why is my Plus account locked?
How do I change my Email or Password?
How can I change the default recipient?
My company uses eFPS. Can I use JuanTax?
Understanding Certain Icons